Friday, September 25, 2009

Asian Honey Glazed Sauteed Tofu

Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavor. This tofu dish is infused with flavors that you want but at the same time easy on your waist line. A very simple recipe to prepare and doesn't involve many steps like my other recipes. Most important is the tofu you pick out at the 99 Ranch Market. It has to be the right firmness or else it will break once it is in the frying pan. When you are stir-frying tofu, make sure you dont buy the tofu in those rectangular plastic containers indicated by levels of firmness on the packaging. Go for the ones that are usually packaged in a white styrafoam packaging, those seams to be very very firm.

To make the glaze sauce, in a frying pan add in hoison sauce, honey, salt, sugar (2-3x more than the amount of salt), black peper, and rice vinegar, cooking oil. On medium heat, let the sauce sizzle and stir the sauce mixture well. With the tofu, cut into even squares or rectangular portions then add it to the frying pan. Toss and stir the tofu around gently, let a couple of sides on the tofu face down on the pan a little bit longer to give that brownish burnt look (just for presentation purposes). When tofu is brown and take up the glaze from the sauce, turn off heat and let it sit for about 5 minutes. It is then topped with dried onions, fresh green onions and a couple shakes of the soy sauce. Bon appetite!!!!


  1. Woah, dude, that looks good yo. Yeah, I'm also an average asian guy who loves to cook. Will be looking forward to future recipes! later!

  2. hey.. nice and easy recipe.. been cooking on my own since college and even the cook in my own family now..
    Would be good to share some recipes..

  3. Dude! I love this blog! I love food too!! haha.

    I also cook the foods my mom cooked for me growing up, wish I was as talented as you though! haha.

    Keep up the good work! Check out my blog, still in the works, but it's more about restaurants reviews in Hawaii. =D

  4. Wow! this is great! I'm also asian and I've been a vegetarian for the past 6 months now :) keep it up!
