Saturday, August 13, 2011

My 90-Day Vegetarian Challenge DAY 37

Eggs are not considered as a dairy product? What!!!

I was craving for some eggplants so I went to Ranch 99 Market to get some. The place has become my to-go-to spot for a quick vegetarian meal. I bought 1 pint of these stir fry eggplants with soy sauce for $2.99, pretty good price for the amount that they give you. Craving for eggs so I heat up the skillet, threw on two eggs and fried them. I would say that eggs are the only thing that is closest to meat that I can eat because the ova-lacto vegetarian diet allows me to do so. Eggs are not considered to a dairy product rather than an animal byproduct. All this time I thought eggs are considered as a dairy product. I guess I was wrong until just a few minutes ago when I googled "are eggs considered dairy?". However, I am not going to feel guilty about eating eggs because it is an animal byproduct or try to reason myself why I should/shouldn't eat eggs. The more things I find out about vegetarianism, the clearer I see why people choose a particular vegetarian diet based on religion, ethical beliefs, health benefits, and other personal reasons. Here is where I found a good but brief explanation of all this.

-Timothy Pham

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